If the Wanneroo Botanic Gardens is not currently one of your excursion destinations it is a truly fantastic way to spend a morning or afternoon and perfectly suited to both primary and upper school. Just 5 minutes from Joondalup, with ample bus parking available.

With two 18 hole mini golf courses, students are able to develop their fine motor skills, extend their mental mathematic ability and challenge their problem solving skills… and most importantly have fun!
Open every day of the school holidays and afternoons Thursday and Friday during school term it’s a fantastic Out of School or Vacation Care destination.

Our enchanting sub-tropical botanical garden, boasts over 500 species of exotic plants and trees from around the world which students can experience while completing our complimentary self-guided tour. Special requests may also be considered should your school wish to have a short presentation from one of our very talented and knowledgeable horticultural Team.
For more information please contact us on 9405 1475 or email our Booking Coordinator via info@wanneroobotanicgardens.com.au
To save time and complete our booking request form online.
In line with DET requirements, the Wanneroo Botanical Gardens Excursion Policy and Wanneroo Botanical Gardens Emergency Response Plan (below) addresses important issues including: Communications, Insurance & Liability, Supervision Strategies and Park Rules.