The 5 acre property on the shores of Lake Joondalup, Perth’s metropolitan bushland, adjacent Yellagonga Regional Park was purchased in 1971 and work on the garden commenced in 1974. With incredible vision and unwavering passion they embarked on the seven year project, hand shovelling one thousand tonnes of organic waste, seven hundred tonnes of limestone and planting thousands of plants, more than 500 species in total. The truly extraordinary transformation of sand and scrubland into the stunning waterways and gardens seen today can be viewed in picture form next time you visit the Wanneroo Botanic Gardens.
The Puiks celebrated the Garden’s official opening in 1981 and this magical landscape, more than 4 decades later, continues to facilitate the creation of happy memories for countless families; welcoming innumerable international and interstate Guests.
Each year more than 300,000 Guests enjoy a meal at Leapfrogs, visit the Magic of Christmas lighting display or experience the Gardens while playing mini golf; making it one of the most frequented tourist attractions in the region.

Theo and Hanneke continued to operate the garden until 1994 when the family business was sold to their daughter Nicole and her husband Paul Woodcock; who have since gone on to open the Leapfrogs restaurant in 1998 and purchase Perth’s Outback Splash (formerly The Maze) in 2006. Guests to the Wanneroo Botanic Gardens are able to complete a self-guided tour, penned by Paul, detailing historical anecdotes and some of the highlights throughout the garden, these are included in the sightseeing admission and are available on request.
Paul, like Theo, has feverishly pursued the ongoing success of the garden, its intricate design, varied and unique plant life and its unchallenged iconic status within the West Australian tourism industry.
“Our passion is encouraging family fun and we’re enjoying every minute of it.”
– Paul Woodcock